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Silae World
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396. Editorial Office, 27 Oct 2014 11:06:22, eng
The Himalayas of Pakistan: Resources and Conservation Issues
Hazara University Mansehra, 27-30th Novenber, 2014.
Silae World, Congresses and Events,

Read: 4573, From 2014-10-27 11:06:22

himalayasOrganizers of the 1st International Symposium on "The Himalayas of Pakistan: Resources and Conservation Issues” are pleased to invite you to participate in the event, we are going to organize at Hazara University Mansehra, 27-30th November, 2014.

Kindly submit your full length paper till 30th October 2014. 
Original papers or review articles related to the Himalayas’ resources (physical, biological and cultural), and conservation issues of the Pakistani Himalayas, Hindu Kush and Karakorum mountains will be considered for oral presentation after blind review process. Contributors are requested to be brief and concise. 

The Himalayas of Pakistan: Resources and Conservation Issues Hazara University Mansehra, 27-30th November, 2014.

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